<a href=”https://multisite.itb.ac.id/sith/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2017/02/agusdana.jpg”><img class=”alignleft wp-image-3645″ src=”https://multisite.itb.ac.id/sith/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2017/02/agusdana.jpg” alt=”elham” width=”250″ height=”250″ /></a>
<span class=”style1″><strong>Dr. Agus Dana Permana </strong>
BSc. (ITB), Ph.D (ENSA Montpellier)</span>
<p class=”style1″>School of Life Sciences & Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa No. 10 Bandung,
Indonesia 40132
Phone: +62 22 251 1575, 250 0258
Fax: +62 22 253 4107
Email: <a href=”mailto:agus@sith.itb.ac.id”>agus@sith.itb.ac.id </a><strong> </strong></p>
<p class=”style1″><strong>Dr. Agus Dana Permana </strong>is currently focuses on the research with beneficial insects, such as pollinator of oil palm (Elaeidobius kamerunicus), and black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). Previously, he has done number of projects on the identification and field test of sex pheromone of several insects pests, including Etiella zinckenella, Spodoptera litura, Phthorimaea operculella, Plutella xylostella, Scirpophaga nivella and Homoeosoma nebulella. His expertise also covers entomopathogenic (fungi, bacteria and viruses) and several botanical insecticides (Neem extract); Ecology, and Physiology of insect, for example the effect of thyroxin on the cocoon of Bombyx mori. Over 15 years, he has been principal investigator on several grants and contracts i.e. Ecological study on PT Freeport Indonesia, Tembagapura, Papua (2001-2002); Soil analysis for oil palm plantation in Boven Digul and Fak-fak, Papua (2005-2006); Biodiversity study in Nani Bogani Wartabone National Park, Gorontalo (2009-2012); Ecological study of mined land in Sorowako, South Sulawesi (2012); and Study of flora and fauna at Tomini Bay, Gorontalo (2012-2013).</p>
<table style=”height: 117px” width=”900″>
<td colspan=”3″ valign=”center” bgcolor=”#21add1″ height=”40″><span style=”color: #ffffff”><strong>Representative Publication :</strong></span></td>
<li><strong>Permana </strong><strong>A</strong><strong>.</strong><strong>D</strong>, R. E. Putra, B. Permana, B. Sahari. Estimating of <em>Elaeis guineensis </em>Pollen Grains Carried by <em>Elaeidobius kamerunicus</em> (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) Using Image Analysis and Processing Software. Submitted Nov. 2016 to <strong><em>Journal of Oil Palm Research</em></strong>.</li>
<li><strong>Permana A.D.</strong> and Putra R.E, 2016. Pollination Activity of <em>Elaeidobius kamerunicus</em> (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) on Oil Palm Plantation at South Kalimantan, Indonesia. <strong><em>ICMNS, 2-3 November 2016. ITB. Bandung</em></strong>.</li>
<li><strong>Permana A.D, </strong>Lionita H, Suhaedi G, and Buchari D, 2016<strong>. </strong>Field and laboratory evaluation of sex pheromones of soybean pod borer, <em>Etiella zinckenella</em> Treitscke (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae). <strong><em>ICMNS, 2-3 November 2016. ITB. Bandung.</em></strong></li>
<li><strong>Permana A.D </strong> and Marlinda S, 2016. Efficacy of Entomopathogenic Fungi <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> and <em>Cordyceps </em>sp<em>. </em><em>Against</em> <em>Crocidolomia pavonana</em>(Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). <strong><em>ICMNS, 2-3 November 2016. ITB. Bandung.</em></strong></li>
<li>Permana A.D and Putra R.E, 2015. Biodiversitas Serangga Lokal Sebagai Sumber Daya Hayati Indonesia Dalam Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. <strong><em>Seminar Nasional Biologi UIN Bandung. Mei 2016.</em></strong></li>
<li><strong>Wibowo I, Permana A.D</strong>, and Adhiansyah R, 2015. Identifikasi Molekuler Lalat Buah Bactrocera spp (Diptera: Tephritidae) Menggunakan Penanda Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I. <strong><em>Seminar Nasional PEI Bandung, Oktober 2015.</em></strong></li>
<li><strong>Permana A.D</strong>, and Pangestu D.P, 2015. Polinasi Buatan pada Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, <em>Ela</em><em>e</em><em>is guinensis</em> Jaqc. Terhadap Peningkatan <em>Fruit</em><em>set</em> dan Keuntungan Ekonomis. <strong><em>Seminar Nasional PEI Bandung, Oktober 2015.</em></strong></li>
<li>W.Priawandiputra, C.Y. Barsulo, <strong>A.D. Permana</strong> & K. Nakamura. Comparison of Abundance and Diversity of Bees (Hymenoptera:Apoidea) Collected by Window Traps among Four Types of Forest on Noto Peninsula. <strong><em>Far Eastern Entomologist</em></strong>. No. 287 : 1-23.</li>
<li><a href=”http://www.hindawi.com/84182791/”>R.E. Putra</a>, <a href=”http://www.hindawi.com/70134382/”><strong>A</strong><strong>.</strong><strong>D</strong><strong>.</strong><strong> Permana</strong></a>, and <a href=”http://www.hindawi.com/19703123/”>Ida Kinasih</a>. Application of Asiatic Honey Bees (<em>Apis cerana</em>) and Stingless Bees (<em>Trigona laeviceps</em>) as Pollinator Agents of Hot Pepper (<em>Capsicum annuum</em> L.) at Local Indonesia Farm System. <strong><em>Psyche. Vol. 2014 (2014), Article ID 687979</em></strong>, 5 pages. <a href=”https://multisite.itb.ac.id/sith/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2016/06/687979.pdf”>https://multisite.itb.ac.id/sith/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2016/06/687979.pdf</a></li>
<li><strong>A.D. Permana</strong>,. A. Johari, S. Sastrodihardjo, R. E. Putra, I. Ahmad., 2012. Ovipostion Behaviour and Preference of Soybean Pod Borer <em>Etiella zinckenella</em> on Soybean Cultivars. <strong><em>J. of Entomology and Nematology</em></strong> Vol. 4(3), pp. 22-33,</li>
<li>Intan AHMAD, SRIWAHJUNINGSIH, Sita ASTARI, Ramadhani Eka PUTRA and <strong>Agus Dana PERMANA</strong>. 2009. Monitoring pyrethroid resistance in field collected <em>Blattella germanica</em> Linn. (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) in Indonesia. <strong><em>Entomological Research</em></strong> Vol. 39, 114-118.</li>
<li><strong>Permana</strong> <strong>A</strong><strong>.</strong><strong>D. </strong><strong>and </strong>Nuraini H, 2008. Vertical Autodiseminationof <em>Spodoptera exigua</em> “Multi Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus” (SeMNPV) by Male<em> Spodoptera exigua</em> (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) with sex pheromone. <a name=”OLE_LINK8″></a><strong><em>Biocontrol Mini Symposium, ICMNS</em></strong><em> 2008</em>.</li>
<li>Intan Ahmad, Redsway Maramis, <strong>Agus D. Permana, </strong>S. Sastrodihardjo, 2008. Abundant parasitoids of Erinata thrax in banana plantation around Bandung areas. <strong><em>Biocontrol Mini Symposium,</em></strong><em> ICMNS 2008</em></li>
<li>Rostaman, <strong>A.D. Permana</strong>, T.S. Subahar, S.Sastrodihardjo, 2007. The Biology of Mushroom Fly (Sciarid Fly), Insect Pest at Mushroom Culture. <strong><em>J. of Plant Protection</em></strong> XIII:2<em>.</em> 85-89.</li>
<li>Rostaman, <strong>A.D. Permana</strong>, T.S. Subahar, S.Sastrodihardjo, U. Pasaribu, 2007. Spatiotemporal Analysis of Mushroom Fly Population, <em>Bradysia ocellaris </em>(Diptera : Sciaridae) in Oyster Mushroom Culture. <strong><em>J. of Plant Protection</em></strong> XIII:1</li>
<li>Rostaman, <strong>Permana</strong> <strong>A.D</strong>, T.S. Subahar, S.Sastrodihardjo, 2008. Abundance of Dipteran Pests Population on Oyster Mushroom Culture at Bandung District, West Java. <strong><em>J. of Plant Protection</em></strong><em>. </em>XIV:1. 1 -12.</li>
<li>Choesin, D.N., Achmad Sjarmidi, Djoko T. Iskandar, Endah Sulistyawati, Tati S. Subahar, Taufikurahman, Undang A. Dasuki, & <strong>Agus </strong><strong>D. Permana</strong>, 2003, Biodiversity conservation in a highland ecosystem in western java, indonesia: ecological, economic & socio-cultural perspectives., <strong>ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation (ARCBC) Regional Research Grant Conference</strong>, Bangkok, Thailand, 1-4 December 2003.</li>
<li><strong>Permana</strong> <strong>A..</strong>, S. Sastrodihardjo, M. Sutisna, S. Sudiro, Sukrasno, 2001. Development of Neem Seed Extract for Botanical Insecticides. <strong><em>Proceeding of the</em> <em>2nd Asia-Pasific Conferences on Chemical Ecology</em></strong><em>, Penang, August, 2001.</em></li>
<li>N.P.D. Angerilli, <strong>A.D. Permana, </strong>Y. Sasaerila, R. Hallett, R. Zilahi-Balogh, R. Edmonds. <strong><em>2000.</em></strong> Prospecting for Insect Pheromones in Indonesia: Finds and the Future. <strong><em>J. Asia Pacific Entomol</em></strong><em>., 1, 25-33.</em></li>
<li><strong>Permana A.D</strong>, 1999. Perhitungan dan Penggunaan Parameter Pertumbuhan Serangga Dalam Pengujian Senyawa Penghambat Pertumbuhan Serangga. <strong><em>Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia</em></strong><strong><em>. </em></strong>Vol. V No. 2. 91 -99.</li>
<li>Zagatti P., Renou M., Malosse B., <strong>Permana A.D</strong>., Leclant F., <strong><em>1991</em></strong>. Sex pheromone of the European sun flower moth, <em>Homoeosoma nebulella</em>. <strong><em>J. Chem. Ecol</em></strong>., 17 (7), 1399-1414.</li>
<li>Beydon P, <strong>A. D. Permana</strong>, J. Volardeau, M. Moriniere and R. Lafont. <strong>1989</strong>. Ecdysteroid from developing eggs of Pieris brassicae. <strong><em>Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology</em></strong>. Vol. 11. 1. 1-11.</li>