[:id]Kunjungan Industri Mata Kuliah Teknologi Benih ke PT. EAST WEST SEED INDONESIA[:en]Industrial Visit of Seed Technology Courses to PT. EAST WEST SEED INDONESIA[:]
[:id]Penulis : Fakhira Rifanti Maulana, S.T.
Foto bersama Dosen dan Mahasiswa Rekayasa Pertanian saat Kunjungadn Industri ke PT Easr West Seed Indonesia
Benih berkualitas memegang peranan penting dalam menunjang sektor pertanian Indonesia khususnya dalam meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan. Benih berkualitas dapat diproduksi melalui berbagai proses uji coba dan menggunakan teknologi yang tepat. Sebagai upaya memfasilitasi mahasiswa Rekayasa Pertanian dalam mendapatkan gambaran nyata mengenai proses produksi benih tersebut, program studi RP melalui mata kuliah Teknologi Benih (BA2203) mengadakan kunjungan industri ke salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi benih unggul yaitu PT East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO). Kunjungan tersebut dilakukan pada tanggal 23 Maret 2018 dengan diikuti sebanyak 60 mahasiswa dan didampingi 2 dosen yaitu Yeyet Setiawati, Ir., MP. Dan Eri Mustari, Ir., MP.
PT East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) ialah perusahaan yang memproduksi benih sayuran terpadu yang berlokasi di Purwakarta. Sampai saat ini, perusahaan telah memproduksi berbagai macam benih dari mulai sayuran, buah-buahan dan bunga diantaranya bayam, kubis, wortel, selada, cabai, marigold, paria, tomat dan lainnya. Benih ini dipasarkan dengan merek dagang CAP PANAH MERAH. Melalui teknik pemuliaan benih yang dimiliki perusahaan, PT East West memproduksi benih yang memiliki daya adaptasi luas, produksi maksimal dan tahan terhadap hama dan penyakit.
Pada sesi pertama kunjungan, mahasiswa rekayasa pertanian diberikan wawasan mengenai perkembangan yang terjadi di bidang perbenihan. Hal ini disampaikan dalam presentasi bapak Firmansyah selaku Corporate Secretary, PT. East West Seed Indonesia. Bapak Firmansyah juga menjelaskan bagaimana PT East West melakukan kerjasama dengan petani di berbagai daerah, manajemen sumberdaya perusahaan dan berbagai prestasi yang diraih perusahaan. Penjelasan ini penting dalam menambah pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang dunia industri perbenihan di Indonesia dan perannya terhadap petani.
Sesi Presentasi dari PT. East West Seed Indonesia
Mahasiswa rekayasa pertanian selanjutnya diberi kesempatan untuk melihat tahapan produksi benih dalam kegiatan tour pabrik dari mulai tahap sortasi, coating, hingga packaging benih. Semua tahapan produksi tersebut dilakukan menggunakan teknologi canggih dan tentunya pengembangan benih dilakukan oleh tenaga ahli yang berpengalaman di bidang pemuliaan tanaman dan perbenihan. Saat tour, pihak perusahaan menjelaskan bahwa benih awalnya ditumbuhkan oleh para petani yang kemudian dikirim ke pabrik utama setelah dipanen. Dalam penerimaan benih ini, perusahaan menekankan pentingnya asal usul benih agar keaslian genetik dapat terjaga. Setelah benih diterima, benih difumigasi dan disimpan dalam gudang dengan suhu yang terkontrol. Di dalam pabrik mahasiswa diajak melihat proses cleaning dan grading benih dengan menggunakan mesin berkapasitas besar yaitu air screen cleaner, gravity separator dan brushing machine. Adapun tujuan tahap ini ialah untuk memisahkan benih dari kotoran-kotoran dan benih yang tidak berisi. Mahasiswa juga mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang proses coating, pemberian zat kimia pada benih, yang bertujuan untuk meninimalisir serangan hama. Pada tahap terakhir proses produksi benih, mahasiswa melihat proses packaging atau pengemasan benih. Packaging dilakukan oleh mesin otomatis di ruangan steril dengan suhu dan kelembaban yang dijaga dengan baik. Setelah mendapatkan cukup pengetahuan mengenai proses produksi benih, mahasiswa juga diajak berkeliling ke greenhouse untuk melihat instalasi hidroponik milik perusahaan.
Salah satu dosen pendamping yaitu Ibu Yeyet Setiawati, Ir., MP., menyampaikan bahwa MK Teknologi Benih sudah biasa menyelenggarakan kuliah lapangan ke PT East West. Walaupun pada kunjungan kali ini mahasiswa tidak bisa melihat ke bagian lab, mahasiswa tetap dapat melihat langsung proses perjalanan benih dari mulai dipanen sampai ke pengolahan, pengemasan dan pemasaran.
Referensi : www.panahmerah.id[:en]Author : Fakhira Rifanti Maulana, S.T.
Photograph Session with Lecturers and Agricultural Engineering Students during Industry Visit to East West Seed Indonesia Company
Quality of seeds play an important role in supporting Indonesia’s agricultural sector, especially in increasing the productivity of food crops. Quality seeds can be produced through various testing processes and using the proper technology. As an effort to enlighten of Agricultural Engineering students in for the seed production process, the AE study program through the Seed Technology (BA2203) course held an industrial visit to one of the companies engaged in the production of superior seeds, namely East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) Company. The visit was held on March 23, 2018 with 60 students followed by 2 lecturers, namely Yeyet Setiawati, Ir., MP. and Eri Mustari, Ir., MP.
East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) company is a company that produces integrated vegetable seeds located in Purwakarta. Nowadays, the company has produced various kinds of seeds from vegetables, fruits and flowers including spinach, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, chili, marigold, bitter melon, tomatoes and others. This seed sold to market under the trademark CAP PANAH MERAH. Through the company’s seed breeding techniques, East West produces seeds that have broad adaptability, maximum production and resistance to pests and diseases.
Within the first session of visit, agricultural engineering students were given insight into developments in the field of seeding. It was stated in the presentation by Mr. Firmansyah as Corporate Secretary, East West Seed Indonesia Company. Mr. Firmansyah also explained how East West cooperated with farmers in various regions, management of company resources and various achievements achieved by the company. This explanation is important in increasing student knowledge about the world of seed industry in Indonesia and its role in farmers.
Presentation session from East West Seed Indonesia Company
Agricultural engineering students were also given the opportunity to see the step of seed production in the ‘factory tour’ activities from the step of sorting, coating into packaging seeds. All steps of production are using advanced technology and especially seed development is handled by experts of plant breeding and seeding. During the tour, the company explained that the seeds were initially grown by farmers, therefore the seed will be sent to the main factory after being harvested. By receiving these seeds, the company emphasizes the importance of the origin of the seeds to maintain genetic authenticity. After the seeds are received, the seeds are fumigated and stored in a warehouse with a controlled temperature. Inside the factory students are invited to see the process of cleaning and grading of seeds using a large capacity machine, namely water screen cleaner, gravity separator and brushing machine. The purpose of this step is to separate seeds from unclean impurities and seeds. Students also get knowledge about the coating process, the provision of chemicals in seeds, which aims to minimize pest attacks. In the final step of the seed production process, students also learn how the packaging or seed packaging process. Packaging of seeds carried by automatic machines in a sterile room with a well-maintained temperature and humidity. After getting enough knowledge about the seed production process, students were also invited to tour the greenhouse to see the company’s hydroponic installation.
One of the lecturers, Ms. Yeyet Setiawati, Ir., MP., state that the Seed Technology subject often holding industrial visit to East West Company. Even though on this visit students cannot see the lab section, students still can see the process of the seeds directly from harvesting into processing, packaging and lastly marketing.
Reference : www.panahmerah.id[:]
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