Plt. Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Rekayasa Pertanian
Video Profil Program Studi Sarjana Rekayasa Pertanian
Sertifikat Akreditasi BAN-PT
Sertifikat Akreditasi IABEE
The Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Study Program is one of the study programs under the management of the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SITH-ITB). This study program was established referring to the Foundation for the Development of Educational Programs at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) on December 29, 2011 (ITB Rector Decree Number 385/SK/I1.A/OT/2011). In 2021, the S1 Agricultural Engineering Study Program obtained IABEEIndonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) di bidang Agricultural and/or Bio-systems Engineering and obtained Superior accreditation from BAN-PT based on decision No. 2817/SK/BAN-PT/Akred-Itnl/S/V/2021 which is valid until March 31, 2026.
The Undergraduate Program in Agricultural Engineering studies the interdisciplines of life science, agricultural science, technology, and biosystem engineering principles as a solution to problems faced in the agricultural production process to produce optimum, efficient, and sustainable production systems or results. Through the Undergraduate Program in Agricultural Engineering, ITB contributes to producing human resources (HR) who are able to design sustainable integrated agricultural systems (environmentally friendly) through biosystem engineering principles in order to produce high biomass with energy, material, and economically efficient systems in various environmental conditions to meet the needs of agricultural products for the community.
The Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Study Program organizes and develops education and teaching by implementing an engineering approach in agriculture to produce graduates who are able to design systems and problem solvers for problem solver the community by setting West Java as a target focus and model in developing potential and resources to increase the productivity of the quality of life of its people.
In an effort to create superior agricultural human resources, the Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Study Program compiles agricultural education schemes to produce professional professional agricultural engineer In an effort to create superior agricultural human resources, the Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Study Program compiles agricultural education schemes to produce professional body of knowledge of the study program which covers basic science to engineering and management sciences.